Ready to Revitalize Your Health and Reclaim Your Life?

As a Holistic Health Coach, I believe you can have greater joint health and mobility, deeper sleep, better digestion, and more energy and vitality than you ever thought possible when you have the right support!


Boost Energy & Vitality 

Improve Joint Health

Alleviate Digestion Issues

Are you tired of struggling with joint discomfort, digestion issues, fatigue challenges?

Perhaps you’ve even been to conventional doctors and are on medications, but you can’t seem to get to the level of relief and energy that you wish you could and you might be wondering if there are additional, natural solutions that could support you. 

I understand, and I have been in your shoes.

As a Holistic Health and Wellness Coach and Certified Functional Nutritionist, I am here to support you with the tools, resources, and support to alleviate your discomfort and improve your health naturally!

 Here's How To Get Started

3 Simple Steps to Better Health with Natural Solutions

1. Schedule Your Free 20-Minute Consultation

2. Explore Which Coaching Package Will Meet Your Needs

3. Improve Your Health with Ongoing Coaching, Support, Tools, & Resources


The Key to Better Health Naturally

Years ago, I was struggling with Rheumatoid Arthritis and gut health issues until I gained a very important insight - that my problem came down to an imbalance in one or more of the body’s 7 primary systems (digestive, immune, cardio, endocrine, neuro, urinary, and reproductive), typically beginning with the gut. After years of research and much effort, I was finally able to naturally restore balance in my body, regain my health, and live a fully functioning life again.

I was amazed at how there were so many natural solutions that helped me improve so drastically, and it sparked a passion in me to help others do the same!

Today, I help provide you with the tools and guidance that can help you restore balance in the primary systems of your body naturally to help alleviate your discomfort and revitalize your overall health so you can have the energy and vitality to flourish in everyday life!

My intention is to keep you uplifted and encouraged, while providing you with the resources to revitalize your health and regain the energy and vitality to live your life to the fullest!

Through my Explore. Balance. Revitalize.™ Method, we will…


Show you how to understand where the imbalances in your body are.


Offer you resources and guidance on how you can implement specific changes in diet, supplementation, and lifestyle to restore your body’s balance.


Offer you resources and guidance on how you can implement specific changes in diet, supplementation, and lifestyle to restore your body’s balance


Be your mentor throughout each step of the journey, coaching you to victory.

Ready to Explore Ways to Improve Your Health Naturally? 

I would love to explore how I might be able to support you in getting your life back! Don’t put off your health for another minute. 
Book Your Call Today!

"Regina puts the we in well! Together we have worked to find natural solutions to address my health concerns and symptoms. As a result, I feel better informed and empowered to make positive changes in my life, health, & overall wellness." Lindsay T

Book Your Free Consultation Today! >>

The Well Stop does not guarantee any specific outcome. Results can vary. The content provided is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. We are not providing medical or psychological advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner and/or other qualified health professional about whether any opinions or recommendations through this site would apply to your specific health situation and unique circumstances